Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bits and Pieces.

I'm sitting here with a bowl of ramen in my lap, listening to a Martina McBride CD that just doesn't get played enough in the slightest and just thinking. I was really craving spaghetti and when my ramen was pretty much done I decided to look if I had everything to actually make spaghetti though I was pretty certain on the answer. I don't cook. Heck, I don't eat. However I'm certain I can manage spaghetti. I stared at my ramen and the contents in my cabinet and just pouted. Whatever man. I'll be alone tomorrow too. Maybe I'll cook myself a better dinner.

This CD is fantastic. Speaking of CD's, T-Swift needs to tell me when she's releasing her new album so I can begin a countdown. I can't believe after the incredible year she had and how busy she was she made time, on her freaking birthday nevertheless, to record an album. Aaahh. I'm not obsessed at all. I don't get giddy walking into my bathroom and seeing her face because I have a calendar of her adorable self hanging in there. Or think it's awesome that I own her perfume. Yeah...

Today being alone hasn't been that bad. Watching the Wonder Years with Desmond. Reading. Making myself food. I'm not that lonely. I mean I would much rather someone be here. I would immensely enjoy someone's company but really in hindsight, I do okay. I do live with my best friend but on a given week, I live alone and I'm capable.

Michael said something to me the other day. He said I'm stronger than I say that I am. My response was that I'm weaker than people think.

We're probably both right.

This song is beautiful.

I start my chemo pills on Monday.

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