Friday, May 18, 2012

When The Music Died

I kept coming to this website over and over again. Almost like I expected a new blog would appear from me by just refreshing the page a few hundred times. My thoughts were so powerful that they could fill a page without me putting forth the effort of typing. My heartache so strong that I didn't need to actually stroke the keys. It seems like so much has occurred in such a short time. Really it has been a short time. Yet it feels like so long ago. My friend April dragged me out of my apartment even though I looked half dead and crazed and I told her I had been locked up in my apartment for years. She kindly reminded me that I had barely even lived there for over a year. April is my dandelion. If you've read all three books of the Hunger Games you should understand. She's my sunshine on my cloudy day. Hah. She's my cupcake. But not even she could make me feel better. I'm lifeless.

My precious music. Oh not even Taylor Swift. The amount of heartache that reached me when I attempted a The music died.

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